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Associate Professor of Strategy and
Entrepreneurship, London Business School

Freek Vermeulen writes, consults and speaks across the world on topics such as strategies for growth, strategic innovation and making strategy happen. Vermeulen uses rigorous research to gain insight into how business really works. He is an active case writer and keynote speaker on industry and company conferences. He is the winner of several teaching awards, including the first ever winner of London Business School’s Excellence in Teaching Award, and received several prizes for his research, including the prestigious Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Award and the INFORMS/ISA Best Paper Award.

About The TALK

Why bad practices prevail

All industries and companies have habits: business practices that have been around for a long time, not all of them good… may have come about, at some point, for all the right reasons. However, when circumstances gradually changed, people just kept doing things the same way, unaware that it had become a suboptimal trait. When now asked, they just shrug their shoulders and say: “I don’t know; that’s just the way we do it”.

Such bad habits can linger on like corporate viruses. They’re harmful, but they persist. Vermeulen explains why market forces fail to eliminate inefficient processes and strategies and explores what you can do to boost your corporate immune system and how to create an organisation that continuously renews itself and automatically rids itself of the bad habits.

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